
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

waiting/ patience

so God has been teaching me a lot about patience in a lot of areas of my life.

I am reading this book called "Dangerous Wonder" by Mike Yaconelli

This chapter is about listening to God's voice and how it's not ever a screaming loud voice but we must break through the noise and get into the silence to hear him. These two quotes gave me chills and the first one made me cry. I tend to cry reading books these days.

This one made cry; it's a conversation between a 17 yr old girl and Jesus (the girl wrote it at a retreat) :

girl: i feel awkward because it's been so long since i've been near you
Jesus: I've missed you too; i think about you everyday
girl: but i've messed up. I've done a lot of things that i regret.
Jesus: It's okay child. i forgive you.
girl: i don't understand. i turn away. i ignore you...
Jesus: I'm still here, right beside you
girl: i try to live without you even though i know deep inside that you're still a part of me
Jesus: you don't have to make yourself lovable. I love you how you are.
girl: even after everything i've done and everything that has happened? Would you be offended if i called you bizarre?
Jesus: i am bizarre; more so than you'll ever know
girl: this may seem strange but could i ask you to hold me, for a little while?
Jesus: my child, i have been waiting for you with outstretched arms.

This next one gave me chills and i read it again and after the second time i said "YEA": (it's a quote from a monk who commented on someone's resistance to wait)

"When you are waiting you are not doing nothing. You're doing something. You're allowing your soul to grow up. If you can't be still and wait, you can't become what God created you to be."

Girl in waiting.

P.S. when looking at the time of this blog ignore that. for some reason i cannot get it to set the right time. it is not in the middle of the night it's 7:30am!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like that last quote a lot.