
Monday, October 13, 2008

sex is taboo, really?

did the title make you uncomfortable?I think it's something we can talk about. This morning at chapel we had special music and she sang a song about how sex is something Christians won't talk about unless we are saying not to have sex. We never say why necessarily and after telling you not it's this taboo thing that shouldn't be discussed anymore.

I've read this book by Joshua Harris entitled Sex isn't the problem lust is and although it was uncomfortable because he talked about taboo items i loved the book. I have grown up in a family who are extremely comfortable talking about sex. Unfortunately it's not in the way of Godly love and sex as it was designed. I never really understand why Christians swept it under the rug and labeled it as taboo. I mean in jr high and high school i heard about how you shouldn't have sex but it was in a list of things not to do. No one ever really explained why they just said that it's wrong. I agree and know it's wrong. I just think it's beneficial to know why we should wait, not just that we should wait. I am an adult and it's not like i'm asking why i'm waiting i am well aware of why. I'm just not sure why it's so taboo. God created it for marriage and it was designed to be beautiful. Unforunately now it's to sell perfumes and beer and way too early in relationships.

Okay so while reading this book there was something that bugged me. If you have at any point been uncomfortable you could discontinue reading because this isn't taboo for me. Joshua Harris says that Jesus was fully human while on earth. Then he went into saying that Jesus saw woman and found them beautiful and claimed that Jesus had sexual urges. He says that these aren't wrongs it's when lust and thoughts come into play that it becomes wrong. I know that Jesus was on earth but i wrestle with thinking my savior and lover and best friend as a sexual being. A man who did miraculous things and saw woman as beautiful in his sight.
i dont know what to think about this. Maybe Joshua Harris has lost it or my view of Jesus is too cookie cutter to see him as such.

I love you guys!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

its totally something that should be talked about more.
on your last paragraph: Jesus was fully man and I think it comes with the territory. He never sinned, but I'm sure he had urges to do so. less than most men to be sure, because I'm sure he was diligent in protecting himself from situations that caused him to be tempted.
I believe it was Martin Luther that once made the analogy: to let a bird land on your head is not a sin, but to let it make a nest there is. Part of being human is to have sinful thoughts and urges, but I agree with Martin that its not a sin until you dwell on it.
just some thoughts