
Thursday, October 30, 2008

more thoughts of mine...

Yesterday we had worship chapel. This was way needed in my life. Spiritually i am starving, i feel like i just cannot get enough. I read my bible and pray and just want more. I guess it's not a bad thing, at least I'm not exhausted in this aspect like i am in every other aspect of my life! Well anyway during the second song i prayed that God would take away all of my worries, this is how it came out and i liked it.

"God, take all my worries, homework, relationship and put them on the back burner. No take them off the back burner and put them on the counter. No even better put them in a Tupperware container and put them in the fridge to stay there until i can open it back up and deal with it bowl by bowl."

After i said it i kinda smirked and said to myself, "Ha, you are such a feminist!" Lemme explain i was talking to Mike C the other day about our heart's desires and dreams. I told him I've always wanted to take charge of a children's ministry at a church. Then I started talking about me having a family one day which reminded me of last spring
*flashback music* so there i was last spring semester and i was being a good psychology minor and handing out surveys. The survey was called "The pressure to date while in college" I handed it to one girl and she looked at me and said,
"It'll be very interesting to see this from the POV of a feminist"
I was speechless and i said "What makes you think I'm feminist"
and she answered, "You're driven, single and working toward a career"
I smiled wide and said "I'm all of those things but i would trade them all in to be a stay at home mom if that's what i decided with my future husband. I am not even close to feminist"

I found it pretty hilarious. Since then i have found that there are some who look at my singleness as a sign of feminism. Really? Me? The girls who loves to cook, clean and serve others? Mama Kris? HA, i find it funny! So when i related my problems to kitchen things it made me think of this. I'm not saying that my dream is to spend every waking moment in the kitchen but if i were to be in a marriage where we wanted me to be home with our children, I'd do it. However I'm not in college to find a husband but to have a career in case i don't end up married or if i have to work while married, not a feminist just wise.

Anywhoo, that was great times! I spent the majority of my day from 1:45 - 9:00 pm working on projects for today. They are almost done just need a few more hours to invest. After this week all the big projects of the semester will be completed. Hooray!

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