
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

conviction and feelings

Lately God: has convicted me of my lack of showing my true feelings. I am extremely sarcastic, which if you meet my family is quite understandable! Lately though God has been telling me that i need to make sure those i care about know that i do care about them. I would hate for them to ever wonder if i care about them. Without weirding anyone out or making a bunch of my guy friends think i am madly in love with them, it's happened before, i have been taking opportunities to tell my friends how much they mean to me. If i haven't gotten to you, it's coming. It's not something that is natural to me. It may come in small fragments or all at once. I'm a work in progress, after all!

This week: is crazy busy up until Thursday night :0)! Academically that is! I have an event on Friday night for Halloween! Woot for passing out candy and dressing up like a Gilmore Girl! :)

In closing: God has my life in his perfect hands. I used the plural because he has a lot to deal with, but i know he can handle it. I have a lot going on but HE is so good, he is GOD after all and i am allowing him the driver seat on this roller coaster of life. Seriously, so far "what a ride"! I like the analogy of life being a roller coaster because of the way i feel toward roller coasters: i love them so much but hate the first one. Anyone who was there can attest that before the first one i freak out and am sure I'm crazy and will die, much like any faith decision, but once i do it i know I'm safe and in good hands and could conquer every coaster (or the world for JESUS).

Dear Collette: your "high five"/comment totally filled my encouragement bucket! Thanks for that. I really needed some encouragement. You rock girl!

enough feeling and thoughts for today.
this busy girl needs sleep to make it through the next few days.


CoCo said...

Glad it encouraged you. I enjoy being able to say that I know Kris Locker.

Unknown said...
