well friends is that subject confusing enough for you? I will be posting about two things. The flu shot (I'll explain the egg reference.) and my blur of a week.
First off i got the flu shot yesterday. Which explains why I'm nauseous, sneezing and feeling like ick! Okay so I've gotten the flu shot for three years now. I get the shot and then i get sick for 3-4 days then I'm good and don't get the flu. The first year was the worst. Well i was waiting for the nurse and i read the pamphlet and found out why i get so sick.
"The flu shot is an inactivated vaccine (containing killed virus) that is given with a needle, usually in the arm. It contains three influenza viruses. The three vaccine strains – one A (H3N2) virus, one A (H1N1) virus, and one B virus – are representative of the influenza vaccine strains recommended for that year. Viruses for the flu shot are grown in eggs." http://www.cdc.gov/FLU/about/qa/flushot.htm
If you know me at all you know i am unable to stomach eggs. I cannot eat them unless they are fully baked in something such as cookies, cakes, brownies. But no omelets, scrambled, deviled eggs *side story about deviled eggs: when i was little i used to love to eat them although i cannot stomach eggs and my mom would get so mad at me for eating then cause i'd get so sick* and no fresh toast (unless it is light in egg and cooked very well). So i was talking to her and she told me that it is grown in eggs and that i would be fine as long as i wasn't going to break out into hives or get blisters everywhere. That is fine with me. So now i know why the flu shot doesn't settle well for the first few days, once again my stomach's dislike of eggs strikes against me again! I don't mind the taste at all it's just that it get to my stomach and it is NOT a happy thing.
Secondly, my blur is over. I have been working non-stop since Monday on my two hugest assignments for the semester. Ironically enough both professors commented on how they found it wise to do the huge assignments in the middle instead of the end when we also have finals. I couldn't agree more. Truly. I am now done with two of the biggest presentation/ work of my tough methods courses :0) Yea! Yesterday was seriously non-stop from 8am until 8:30pm. The only time i took a break was for lunch, about a half hour, and dinner i gulped down in ten minutes before heading out to class. It was a crazy day but it is DONE.
Oh and in one week from today i get to see my beloved camp family. I miss them oh so much! Well I'm gonna go rest. I cannot believe the only answer to not getting the flu comes from the one and only thing i cannot stomach, HA!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
more thoughts of mine...
Yesterday we had worship chapel. This was way needed in my life. Spiritually i am starving, i feel like i just cannot get enough. I read my bible and pray and just want more. I guess it's not a bad thing, at least I'm not exhausted in this aspect like i am in every other aspect of my life! Well anyway during the second song i prayed that God would take away all of my worries, this is how it came out and i liked it.
"God, take all my worries, homework, relationship and put them on the back burner. No take them off the back burner and put them on the counter. No even better put them in a Tupperware container and put them in the fridge to stay there until i can open it back up and deal with it bowl by bowl."
After i said it i kinda smirked and said to myself, "Ha, you are such a feminist!" Lemme explain i was talking to Mike C the other day about our heart's desires and dreams. I told him I've always wanted to take charge of a children's ministry at a church. Then I started talking about me having a family one day which reminded me of last spring
*flashback music* so there i was...it was last spring semester and i was being a good psychology minor and handing out surveys. The survey was called "The pressure to date while in college" I handed it to one girl and she looked at me and said,
"It'll be very interesting to see this from the POV of a feminist"
I was speechless and i said "What makes you think I'm feminist"
and she answered, "You're driven, single and working toward a career"
I smiled wide and said "I'm all of those things but i would trade them all in to be a stay at home mom if that's what i decided with my future husband. I am not even close to feminist"
I found it pretty hilarious. Since then i have found that there are some who look at my singleness as a sign of feminism. Really? Me? The girls who loves to cook, clean and serve others? Mama Kris? HA, i find it funny! So when i related my problems to kitchen things it made me think of this. I'm not saying that my dream is to spend every waking moment in the kitchen but if i were to be in a marriage where we wanted me to be home with our children, I'd do it. However I'm not in college to find a husband but to have a career in case i don't end up married or if i have to work while married, not a feminist just wise.
Anywhoo, that was great times! I spent the majority of my day from 1:45 - 9:00 pm working on projects for today. They are almost done just need a few more hours to invest. After this week all the big projects of the semester will be completed. Hooray!
"God, take all my worries, homework, relationship and put them on the back burner. No take them off the back burner and put them on the counter. No even better put them in a Tupperware container and put them in the fridge to stay there until i can open it back up and deal with it bowl by bowl."
After i said it i kinda smirked and said to myself, "Ha, you are such a feminist!" Lemme explain i was talking to Mike C the other day about our heart's desires and dreams. I told him I've always wanted to take charge of a children's ministry at a church. Then I started talking about me having a family one day which reminded me of last spring
*flashback music* so there i was...it was last spring semester and i was being a good psychology minor and handing out surveys. The survey was called "The pressure to date while in college" I handed it to one girl and she looked at me and said,
"It'll be very interesting to see this from the POV of a feminist"
I was speechless and i said "What makes you think I'm feminist"
and she answered, "You're driven, single and working toward a career"
I smiled wide and said "I'm all of those things but i would trade them all in to be a stay at home mom if that's what i decided with my future husband. I am not even close to feminist"
I found it pretty hilarious. Since then i have found that there are some who look at my singleness as a sign of feminism. Really? Me? The girls who loves to cook, clean and serve others? Mama Kris? HA, i find it funny! So when i related my problems to kitchen things it made me think of this. I'm not saying that my dream is to spend every waking moment in the kitchen but if i were to be in a marriage where we wanted me to be home with our children, I'd do it. However I'm not in college to find a husband but to have a career in case i don't end up married or if i have to work while married, not a feminist just wise.
Anywhoo, that was great times! I spent the majority of my day from 1:45 - 9:00 pm working on projects for today. They are almost done just need a few more hours to invest. After this week all the big projects of the semester will be completed. Hooray!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
conviction and feelings
Lately God: has convicted me of my lack of showing my true feelings. I am extremely sarcastic, which if you meet my family is quite understandable! Lately though God has been telling me that i need to make sure those i care about know that i do care about them. I would hate for them to ever wonder if i care about them. Without weirding anyone out or making a bunch of my guy friends think i am madly in love with them, it's happened before, i have been taking opportunities to tell my friends how much they mean to me. If i haven't gotten to you, it's coming. It's not something that is natural to me. It may come in small fragments or all at once. I'm a work in progress, after all!
This week: is crazy busy up until Thursday night :0)! Academically that is! I have an event on Friday night for Halloween! Woot for passing out candy and dressing up like a Gilmore Girl! :)
In closing: God has my life in his perfect hands. I used the plural because he has a lot to deal with, but i know he can handle it. I have a lot going on but HE is so good, he is GOD after all and i am allowing him the driver seat on this roller coaster of life. Seriously, so far "what a ride"! I like the analogy of life being a roller coaster because of the way i feel toward roller coasters: i love them so much but hate the first one. Anyone who was there can attest that before the first one i freak out and am sure I'm crazy and will die, much like any faith decision, but once i do it i know I'm safe and in good hands and could conquer every coaster (or the world for JESUS).
Dear Collette: your "high five"/comment totally filled my encouragement bucket! Thanks for that. I really needed some encouragement. You rock girl!
enough feeling and thoughts for today.
this busy girl needs sleep to make it through the next few days.
This week: is crazy busy up until Thursday night :0)! Academically that is! I have an event on Friday night for Halloween! Woot for passing out candy and dressing up like a Gilmore Girl! :)
In closing: God has my life in his perfect hands. I used the plural because he has a lot to deal with, but i know he can handle it. I have a lot going on but HE is so good, he is GOD after all and i am allowing him the driver seat on this roller coaster of life. Seriously, so far "what a ride"! I like the analogy of life being a roller coaster because of the way i feel toward roller coasters: i love them so much but hate the first one. Anyone who was there can attest that before the first one i freak out and am sure I'm crazy and will die, much like any faith decision, but once i do it i know I'm safe and in good hands and could conquer every coaster (or the world for JESUS).
Dear Collette: your "high five"/comment totally filled my encouragement bucket! Thanks for that. I really needed some encouragement. You rock girl!
enough feeling and thoughts for today.
this busy girl needs sleep to make it through the next few days.
Monday, October 27, 2008
i was talking to a good friend last night and he said this "when you are a smiley person it feels so wrong to not be smiling all the time. Let yourself be yourself. Don't be afraid to let that smile down once and a while. I'd rather you be real then have a fake smile". I needed that, thanks Rol.
A few more meetings down. I have no meal plan on campus now, which lifts the burden for sure! I'm not in the clear yet but am getting a lot closer.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
lots of thoughts going on up there...
I have a lot of thoughts going around in my mind. Since this is my blog and you have the right to read it or get bored and move on to something a little more stimulating or entertaining i will ramble and share these thoughts going on inside!
Thoughts: It's no lie that i needed a break. I needed a break from crying and worrying. From a pile of homework. Basically i needed a me break. Not a break "all about me" that was fall break. Fall break mindset was: no homework cause i need rest, i need a break, i need to do things, me, me, and ME! This break was all about JESUS and serving others! It was exactly what we needed. (We being Jesus and I- some we time) I have found in the lowest of lows i serve someone and it's a feeling i cannot get enough of. I cooked for others, did dishes for others, and helped build a log cabin for others to use in the future. It was amazing :0). I had some sweet God times before going to bed and it kept coming back to "Kris you need to give it all to me. Not just the little stuff, i want it ALL. All your heart and all your dreams. ALL of it" Yes, when speaking to me Jesus often has to repeat something, especially simple things, over and over. Beginning of this semester i once again submitted Jesus my plan and he just smiled and said "Oh Kris. You are just so cute!" He took out his red pen and switched something around and said "Here's the deal my child. You haven't quite learned patience and the important of fully depending upon me so we're gonna work on that before we even talk about this plan." This is what I've done. I've learned a great deal of patience. I am content where i am. A year ago i wrote in a journal i found "God i wish i could know your plan so i could be patient" Even a year ago i had so much to learn, patience is not knowing and that's the whole point silly Kris Locker from last year! :0)! God is teaching me, especially through this financial and confusing boy stuff that HE is in control and he knows what he's doing. I have no idea what's going to happen next semester but I'll do what i can this semester to stay. This is not a fight I'm done fighting. It is so not over just overtime. "you don't get overtime you just GET OVER IT" :0)
My weekend: if ever i questioned God's timing it was re clarified this weekend. There wasn't a better time to chill in the wilderness building and being with others who appreciate me for who i am :0) I was able to hang out and just be me. I worked from 8am-5pm. With a lunch break of course :0)! I didn't have to worry about homework, finances, food but just looked for new ways to encourage or serve someone. It was amazing. I was star gazing and although it wasn't the same without Storvik being there (yea, Nate it just wasn't the same) i just laid there thinking about how amazing God is and how he loves me so much. I started praying that everything that was weighing on my heart and mind would take a rest for those few days and that I'd just serve and let God hold me in his arms. That moment starring at the stars totally changed the weekend. I was no long a "woe is me" Kris but a Kris that was ready to serve. I love to serve; it's such a great feeling. I got there on Thursday night and it was "Kris and da boys" which is nothing new for me pretty much how it always was. The level of amazingness was added when two ladies joined us on Friday night :0). Added to the fun, for sure! God just constantly in those two and a half days showed me how amazing he is and how much of my heart and life he deserves. Last night before i went to bed at 9:30pm (i know i'm such an elder already :)!!) i was just like, "God i'm done. I give this to you. Whatever happens i'm following you. I'm done trying to control my life again. I know i should know by now but i am a stupid human" I literally felt a burden lift...he is so great.
a few quotes i heard between Wednesday and today:
-"The church is a whore, but she's still my mother" St. Augustine Okay this one may need a bit of an explanation, folks! The church is supposed to be the bride of Jesus but has been gotten away from her love and gone after other things in the world. She has been very promiscuous since Jesus. At the same token the church is my mother because i am from the church and that's where many of my morals and belief were established. She is both a whore and my mother. Beautiful quote. I hope i explained it well, it makes sense in my head which doesn't say much :0)
- "There is no love at first sight because it's not love with insight" -Unknown. I read this is a book i was reading this weekend on some downtime. It talked about how it's impossible to fall in love with someone you just met because it takes so much insight into the person. The love "with insight" has God at the center of the relationship: as it should be.
Woah. long post :0)
Thoughts: It's no lie that i needed a break. I needed a break from crying and worrying. From a pile of homework. Basically i needed a me break. Not a break "all about me" that was fall break. Fall break mindset was: no homework cause i need rest, i need a break, i need to do things, me, me, and ME! This break was all about JESUS and serving others! It was exactly what we needed. (We being Jesus and I- some we time) I have found in the lowest of lows i serve someone and it's a feeling i cannot get enough of. I cooked for others, did dishes for others, and helped build a log cabin for others to use in the future. It was amazing :0). I had some sweet God times before going to bed and it kept coming back to "Kris you need to give it all to me. Not just the little stuff, i want it ALL. All your heart and all your dreams. ALL of it" Yes, when speaking to me Jesus often has to repeat something, especially simple things, over and over. Beginning of this semester i once again submitted Jesus my plan and he just smiled and said "Oh Kris. You are just so cute!" He took out his red pen and switched something around and said "Here's the deal my child. You haven't quite learned patience and the important of fully depending upon me so we're gonna work on that before we even talk about this plan." This is what I've done. I've learned a great deal of patience. I am content where i am. A year ago i wrote in a journal i found "God i wish i could know your plan so i could be patient" Even a year ago i had so much to learn, patience is not knowing and that's the whole point silly Kris Locker from last year! :0)! God is teaching me, especially through this financial and confusing boy stuff that HE is in control and he knows what he's doing. I have no idea what's going to happen next semester but I'll do what i can this semester to stay. This is not a fight I'm done fighting. It is so not over just overtime. "you don't get overtime you just GET OVER IT" :0)
My weekend: if ever i questioned God's timing it was re clarified this weekend. There wasn't a better time to chill in the wilderness building and being with others who appreciate me for who i am :0) I was able to hang out and just be me. I worked from 8am-5pm. With a lunch break of course :0)! I didn't have to worry about homework, finances, food but just looked for new ways to encourage or serve someone. It was amazing. I was star gazing and although it wasn't the same without Storvik being there (yea, Nate it just wasn't the same) i just laid there thinking about how amazing God is and how he loves me so much. I started praying that everything that was weighing on my heart and mind would take a rest for those few days and that I'd just serve and let God hold me in his arms. That moment starring at the stars totally changed the weekend. I was no long a "woe is me" Kris but a Kris that was ready to serve. I love to serve; it's such a great feeling. I got there on Thursday night and it was "Kris and da boys" which is nothing new for me pretty much how it always was. The level of amazingness was added when two ladies joined us on Friday night :0). Added to the fun, for sure! God just constantly in those two and a half days showed me how amazing he is and how much of my heart and life he deserves. Last night before i went to bed at 9:30pm (i know i'm such an elder already :)!!) i was just like, "God i'm done. I give this to you. Whatever happens i'm following you. I'm done trying to control my life again. I know i should know by now but i am a stupid human" I literally felt a burden lift...he is so great.
a few quotes i heard between Wednesday and today:
-"The church is a whore, but she's still my mother" St. Augustine Okay this one may need a bit of an explanation, folks! The church is supposed to be the bride of Jesus but has been gotten away from her love and gone after other things in the world. She has been very promiscuous since Jesus. At the same token the church is my mother because i am from the church and that's where many of my morals and belief were established. She is both a whore and my mother. Beautiful quote. I hope i explained it well, it makes sense in my head which doesn't say much :0)
- "There is no love at first sight because it's not love with insight" -Unknown. I read this is a book i was reading this weekend on some downtime. It talked about how it's impossible to fall in love with someone you just met because it takes so much insight into the person. The love "with insight" has God at the center of the relationship: as it should be.
Woah. long post :0)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
gone up north...
i am leaving in like five minutes and will be back on Sunday. I won't be online or at school. I am going up north to work on a building project with some student leaders. There is nothing i want or need more right now than to get away and be in the no-internet and no offices where money rules all :). I will be in the God's creation with his servants! I am excited.
I will be back Sunday afternoon. Hopefully refreshed, refocused and a little less freaked out about not being able to come to school next semester.
Hope your weekend rocks :)
I will be back Sunday afternoon. Hopefully refreshed, refocused and a little less freaked out about not being able to come to school next semester.
Hope your weekend rocks :)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
i found the storm no surprise here: it's about money
So growing up in a barely making it poverty line family money is always an issue, a fight topic and a big pain in the bum! I came to this problem today. I was told to come into the financial aid office to clear up something and i found out that because i've been in school so long my financial aid is running up. I don't even have enough to cover me this year. I am about 1600.00 in the hole right now. They can split it up among the semesters but if half of that isn't paid off by the end of the semester i cannot come back.
well good. that's awesome. it's not like next semester is my last semester before i graduate, no big! But i do have options they tell me: I could commute, give up my meals and/or ask a family member to co-sign a loan. After i told her twice that there is no one that i can get a co-sign from she still wants me to call home and ask. You mean call home and ask a question that i already know the answer to a big fat NO. So here i am once again in tears over money. Just like growing up and not having enough food to eat so you opt out of dinner. Just like hearing my mom yell at her boyfriend in jr. high because the grocery money was being smoked AGAIN. Just like in high school when my family was trying to convince me to work at a factory because that's truly where the money is and people like us don't make it through the college circuit.
So when i was faced with this storm i rolled my eyes. It boils down to money and not just money it truly boils down to food money. If i can get rid of my meals on campus and cook in the apartment i would be that much closer to freedom but not quite free yet. She asked me how possible it was for me to commute and i told her how i have no car. I didn't think to mention how i don't technically have a "home" to commute from. I didn't mention how my "home" is a two bedroom trailer with approx. 7 people living in it minus myself. So no commuting is not an option. I went back and forth between two offices and i got that look i despise more than any other in the world. I got the poor girl look this is an economical poor and not the woe is my type poor. The look that says they have no idea how i live like this: no health insurance, no car, no help financially. They don't have even a fraction of an idea of what my family goes through on a daily basis just to eat.
Through these meetings, one of which i started crying while she was "brainstorming on how to help me" with a colleague i could feel the hopeless tears coming and i told myself to hold it in and pull myself together, tough girl poverty talk there! I did pull it together and the entire time i can hear in my mind "I don't want to survive i want to LIVE". I know this is a Wall-e quote and you should too. This is how i feel. I don' t want to make it through another semester financially i want to be able to live without having to constantly worry about not having enough money and not being able to do what God has called me to do. I have worked so hard to get where i am today and the only thing standing in my way is money. FIGURES. money, so trivial yet so important in our world.
I'm ready for something more. Something deeper. I'm ready to be the influence upon children who have nothing. I'm ready to be done with loans and denials. I hate money, i truly do.
there is light at the end of the tunnel. It's hard to see but it's there. God knows what he's doing and something good will come of all this. If nothing more than a reminder that i do come from a poverty home and that will always be a part of who i am.
well good. that's awesome. it's not like next semester is my last semester before i graduate, no big! But i do have options they tell me: I could commute, give up my meals and/or ask a family member to co-sign a loan. After i told her twice that there is no one that i can get a co-sign from she still wants me to call home and ask. You mean call home and ask a question that i already know the answer to a big fat NO. So here i am once again in tears over money. Just like growing up and not having enough food to eat so you opt out of dinner. Just like hearing my mom yell at her boyfriend in jr. high because the grocery money was being smoked AGAIN. Just like in high school when my family was trying to convince me to work at a factory because that's truly where the money is and people like us don't make it through the college circuit.
So when i was faced with this storm i rolled my eyes. It boils down to money and not just money it truly boils down to food money. If i can get rid of my meals on campus and cook in the apartment i would be that much closer to freedom but not quite free yet. She asked me how possible it was for me to commute and i told her how i have no car. I didn't think to mention how i don't technically have a "home" to commute from. I didn't mention how my "home" is a two bedroom trailer with approx. 7 people living in it minus myself. So no commuting is not an option. I went back and forth between two offices and i got that look i despise more than any other in the world. I got the poor girl look this is an economical poor and not the woe is my type poor. The look that says they have no idea how i live like this: no health insurance, no car, no help financially. They don't have even a fraction of an idea of what my family goes through on a daily basis just to eat.
Through these meetings, one of which i started crying while she was "brainstorming on how to help me" with a colleague i could feel the hopeless tears coming and i told myself to hold it in and pull myself together, tough girl poverty talk there! I did pull it together and the entire time i can hear in my mind "I don't want to survive i want to LIVE". I know this is a Wall-e quote and you should too. This is how i feel. I don' t want to make it through another semester financially i want to be able to live without having to constantly worry about not having enough money and not being able to do what God has called me to do. I have worked so hard to get where i am today and the only thing standing in my way is money. FIGURES. money, so trivial yet so important in our world.
I'm ready for something more. Something deeper. I'm ready to be the influence upon children who have nothing. I'm ready to be done with loans and denials. I hate money, i truly do.
there is light at the end of the tunnel. It's hard to see but it's there. God knows what he's doing and something good will come of all this. If nothing more than a reminder that i do come from a poverty home and that will always be a part of who i am.
a few happy moments
In between meetings i decided to come back to the apartment and i am so happy that i did. Two things occurred which amazing. One was great news and the second had me in tears of laughter!
- I got back and found out my roommate is also "graduating" this May with me :0) wooot!
- I had my roommate play the iTunes game. She's not much for facebook quotes so i asked her the questions and she answered them outload the question "what will they play at your funeral came up" she hit the next button and i looked over and her face was red and she was laughing and i heard this, "ding. dong. the witch is dead" I don't remember the last time i've laughed that hard.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
bright spot
I woke up and was frustratedly crying by 7:30am. Not just for being up but that in the fifteen minutes i was up i was already frustrated and having a terrible day. I prayed all the way to class that i would be able to see God working in my life today if only once. I got to a meeting i had and i found my bright spot, in fact, i had more than one here are some to name a few:
I wish i could say things are looking up but i can say that things are looking like God is going to do mighty works in this storm!
Joy in the storm,
- today i worshiped with fellow student leaders for an hour and it was the most heartfelt singing, esp when we sang "Heart of Worship" which is my ultimate fave worship song
- I had an event with my transfers and they were so excited to see me
- I got randomly hugged by two people today, i'm not huge into physical touch but when people go out of their way to hug you it's really nice
I wish i could say things are looking up but i can say that things are looking like God is going to do mighty works in this storm!
Joy in the storm,
Monday, October 20, 2008
i will praise him in the storm...
If i were a pessimist this blog would detail the numerous things that are falling apart in my life. As an optimist, however, i will do no such thing and i will talk about how Jesus is amazing and is holding me through this whole thing.
Lately Mondays have been a day when everything comes at me at once and i begin to see truly how much i have to do. There were at least three times today that i was in tears. As i write this i am holding them back. Honestly, I'll probably fall asleep crying out to God. He's great to cry to, either literally or metaphorically. I wish there was just one area in particular that i felt like my life was falling apart but it feels like everything is falling apart. I feel like i just cannot do anymore and it feels as if i am stretched so thin and am being pulled in every direction. It has been a very long and emotional day. I feel as though God is equipping me for something huge. Really huge. I don't know what but i am embracing this storm about to come. I can always tell when it's coming and at the end is something amazingly unexpected whether it's a character trait developed or a scar healed. Whatever it is i am ready for it. Ready and willing to see him through it. I feel like everything is moving and i am standing still looking around wondering why i'm stuck where i am? Why is my favorite question, which is equivlent to a preschoolers, am i still a preschool Christian? I hope NOT!
Academics are kicking my butt, boys are confusing, i dont ever have enough time to give to my friends like i'd like, and i have so many people with so many expectations i am so afraid that i am going to dissapoint them. I am mostly afraid of breaking God's heart more, i am failing all around.
This may sound pessimistic but it's not. It's honesty, brutally honest, but honest. I know that i will make it through this. I'll make it; i just wanted to express how i'm feeling. One day at a time with God holding me and the end result will be something big. I have considered fasting for whatever it is that is coming! A 48 hr fast is what i think i'll do.
Storm is a'comin
Lately Mondays have been a day when everything comes at me at once and i begin to see truly how much i have to do. There were at least three times today that i was in tears. As i write this i am holding them back. Honestly, I'll probably fall asleep crying out to God. He's great to cry to, either literally or metaphorically. I wish there was just one area in particular that i felt like my life was falling apart but it feels like everything is falling apart. I feel like i just cannot do anymore and it feels as if i am stretched so thin and am being pulled in every direction. It has been a very long and emotional day. I feel as though God is equipping me for something huge. Really huge. I don't know what but i am embracing this storm about to come. I can always tell when it's coming and at the end is something amazingly unexpected whether it's a character trait developed or a scar healed. Whatever it is i am ready for it. Ready and willing to see him through it. I feel like everything is moving and i am standing still looking around wondering why i'm stuck where i am? Why is my favorite question, which is equivlent to a preschoolers, am i still a preschool Christian? I hope NOT!
Academics are kicking my butt, boys are confusing, i dont ever have enough time to give to my friends like i'd like, and i have so many people with so many expectations i am so afraid that i am going to dissapoint them. I am mostly afraid of breaking God's heart more, i am failing all around.
This may sound pessimistic but it's not. It's honesty, brutally honest, but honest. I know that i will make it through this. I'll make it; i just wanted to express how i'm feeling. One day at a time with God holding me and the end result will be something big. I have considered fasting for whatever it is that is coming! A 48 hr fast is what i think i'll do.
Storm is a'comin
Sunday, October 19, 2008
lots to blog about...
Okay so i was gone for two days but i feel like i have so much to blog about.
I'll start with my break: It was amazing, needed and much appreciated. We went out to eat three different times and treated each time which was nice. We went to CiCis, Wendys and Olive Garden. We got two home cooked meals which was needed :0)! On Saturday we went shopping from noon to five. With an hour break for lunch at Olive Garden! We met up with my family at David's Bridal and i tried this dress on:
On Saturday we discovered how old we were: i sewed buttons on my sweater, finished laundry, watched a documentary and was in bed by 11pm. I could have totally went to bed at 10 but we decided to watch the documentary. I am so exciting, yes?
So sad news: our fish died this weekend while we were gone. I know that it's just a fish but we had that fish for three years. She was a dear friend, i know how ridiculous that sounds but she was. I would talk to her while i was doing dishes and when i came into the apartment. I haven't been so sad by a loss of a pet in a long time. I know it seems silly but it won't be the same.
Other sad news: When i was packing the car to head out i ran into a close friend also packing his car. He told me with sadness in his eyes that he was taking the rest of the semester off and wasn't sure if he would be coming back. I told him to email me and he said he's going to stay off the net for awhile and he gave me his address to write him. It was so sad, i told him that i knew that God was going to use this time for something amazing and he had to just believe that and take it one day at a time. We have been in the Special Education program together since the intro class and were making plans for graduation just a week before this. sadness.
bothers me: i forgot to grab my bible today and looked around and nearly no one brings a bible anymore. I heard someone say to their kid behind me, "Don't waste your time looking for it, it'll be on the screen". WOAH.
made me laugh: in front of me at church this morning was a mentally handicapped gentlemen and when greeting he held up a stick of deodorant looked me in the eye and said "no worries ma'am i used this today". I smiled and said thank you and shook his hand :0).
thought of today: i cannot wait to see my dad play in his band for the last time, that is if i can go! :) I hope i can.
Dear N'STO: since i know you read this and that i haven't seen you online...i had Beaners/ whatever today and i thought of you. It was good. :) Not quite Shay, but good!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
speaking of waiting....
I just got out of a meeting and they approved my petition to participate in May 2009 Commencement although i have my student teaching next Fall.
woooooooooooot! I have a cap and gown coming my way! I'm actually going to graduate after six long years of working my tail off, seriously it's gone! :0)
Cloud nine is nice but i have to do some midterm papers, have to keep up the work. Can't get spring fever quite yet!
:) Kris
woooooooooooot! I have a cap and gown coming my way! I'm actually going to graduate after six long years of working my tail off, seriously it's gone! :0)
Cloud nine is nice but i have to do some midterm papers, have to keep up the work. Can't get spring fever quite yet!
:) Kris
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
waiting/ patience
so God has been teaching me a lot about patience in a lot of areas of my life.
I am reading this book called "Dangerous Wonder" by Mike Yaconelli
This chapter is about listening to God's voice and how it's not ever a screaming loud voice but we must break through the noise and get into the silence to hear him. These two quotes gave me chills and the first one made me cry. I tend to cry reading books these days.
This one made cry; it's a conversation between a 17 yr old girl and Jesus (the girl wrote it at a retreat) :
girl: i feel awkward because it's been so long since i've been near you
Jesus: I've missed you too; i think about you everyday
girl: but i've messed up. I've done a lot of things that i regret.
Jesus: It's okay child. i forgive you.
girl: i don't understand. i turn away. i ignore you...
Jesus: I'm still here, right beside you
girl: i try to live without you even though i know deep inside that you're still a part of me
Jesus: you don't have to make yourself lovable. I love you how you are.
girl: even after everything i've done and everything that has happened? Would you be offended if i called you bizarre?
Jesus: i am bizarre; more so than you'll ever know
girl: this may seem strange but could i ask you to hold me, for a little while?
Jesus: my child, i have been waiting for you with outstretched arms.
This next one gave me chills and i read it again and after the second time i said "YEA": (it's a quote from a monk who commented on someone's resistance to wait)
"When you are waiting you are not doing nothing. You're doing something. You're allowing your soul to grow up. If you can't be still and wait, you can't become what God created you to be."
Girl in waiting.
P.S. when looking at the time of this blog ignore that. for some reason i cannot get it to set the right time. it is not in the middle of the night it's 7:30am!
I am reading this book called "Dangerous Wonder" by Mike Yaconelli
This chapter is about listening to God's voice and how it's not ever a screaming loud voice but we must break through the noise and get into the silence to hear him. These two quotes gave me chills and the first one made me cry. I tend to cry reading books these days.
This one made cry; it's a conversation between a 17 yr old girl and Jesus (the girl wrote it at a retreat) :
girl: i feel awkward because it's been so long since i've been near you
Jesus: I've missed you too; i think about you everyday
girl: but i've messed up. I've done a lot of things that i regret.
Jesus: It's okay child. i forgive you.
girl: i don't understand. i turn away. i ignore you...
Jesus: I'm still here, right beside you
girl: i try to live without you even though i know deep inside that you're still a part of me
Jesus: you don't have to make yourself lovable. I love you how you are.
girl: even after everything i've done and everything that has happened? Would you be offended if i called you bizarre?
Jesus: i am bizarre; more so than you'll ever know
girl: this may seem strange but could i ask you to hold me, for a little while?
Jesus: my child, i have been waiting for you with outstretched arms.
This next one gave me chills and i read it again and after the second time i said "YEA": (it's a quote from a monk who commented on someone's resistance to wait)
"When you are waiting you are not doing nothing. You're doing something. You're allowing your soul to grow up. If you can't be still and wait, you can't become what God created you to be."
Girl in waiting.
P.S. when looking at the time of this blog ignore that. for some reason i cannot get it to set the right time. it is not in the middle of the night it's 7:30am!
Monday, October 13, 2008
sex is taboo, really?
did the title make you uncomfortable?I think it's something we can talk about. This morning at chapel we had special music and she sang a song about how sex is something Christians won't talk about unless we are saying not to have sex. We never say why necessarily and after telling you not it's this taboo thing that shouldn't be discussed anymore.
I've read this book by Joshua Harris entitled Sex isn't the problem lust is and although it was uncomfortable because he talked about taboo items i loved the book. I have grown up in a family who are extremely comfortable talking about sex. Unfortunately it's not in the way of Godly love and sex as it was designed. I never really understand why Christians swept it under the rug and labeled it as taboo. I mean in jr high and high school i heard about how you shouldn't have sex but it was in a list of things not to do. No one ever really explained why they just said that it's wrong. I agree and know it's wrong. I just think it's beneficial to know why we should wait, not just that we should wait. I am an adult and it's not like i'm asking why i'm waiting i am well aware of why. I'm just not sure why it's so taboo. God created it for marriage and it was designed to be beautiful. Unforunately now it's to sell perfumes and beer and way too early in relationships.
Okay so while reading this book there was something that bugged me. If you have at any point been uncomfortable you could discontinue reading because this isn't taboo for me. Joshua Harris says that Jesus was fully human while on earth. Then he went into saying that Jesus saw woman and found them beautiful and claimed that Jesus had sexual urges. He says that these aren't wrongs it's when lust and thoughts come into play that it becomes wrong. I know that Jesus was on earth but i wrestle with thinking my savior and lover and best friend as a sexual being. A man who did miraculous things and saw woman as beautiful in his sight.
i dont know what to think about this. Maybe Joshua Harris has lost it or my view of Jesus is too cookie cutter to see him as such.
I love you guys!
I've read this book by Joshua Harris entitled Sex isn't the problem lust is and although it was uncomfortable because he talked about taboo items i loved the book. I have grown up in a family who are extremely comfortable talking about sex. Unfortunately it's not in the way of Godly love and sex as it was designed. I never really understand why Christians swept it under the rug and labeled it as taboo. I mean in jr high and high school i heard about how you shouldn't have sex but it was in a list of things not to do. No one ever really explained why they just said that it's wrong. I agree and know it's wrong. I just think it's beneficial to know why we should wait, not just that we should wait. I am an adult and it's not like i'm asking why i'm waiting i am well aware of why. I'm just not sure why it's so taboo. God created it for marriage and it was designed to be beautiful. Unforunately now it's to sell perfumes and beer and way too early in relationships.
Okay so while reading this book there was something that bugged me. If you have at any point been uncomfortable you could discontinue reading because this isn't taboo for me. Joshua Harris says that Jesus was fully human while on earth. Then he went into saying that Jesus saw woman and found them beautiful and claimed that Jesus had sexual urges. He says that these aren't wrongs it's when lust and thoughts come into play that it becomes wrong. I know that Jesus was on earth but i wrestle with thinking my savior and lover and best friend as a sexual being. A man who did miraculous things and saw woman as beautiful in his sight.
i dont know what to think about this. Maybe Joshua Harris has lost it or my view of Jesus is too cookie cutter to see him as such.
I love you guys!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
meetings times two
I think i write here so i dont have to write in my journal, i am lazy these days!
Tonight i had two meetings. Both proved to be very interesting. The first one all of the SLA (Spiritual Life Advisors) went to the University President's house and chilled, ate pizza and ended with a devotional. Never in the same meeting have i seen bible reading and rock band but i loved it! Then i left there for an "after dark" dessert with our neighbors and our Resident Director. We went around answering questions. Then of course the subject of liking someone came up. I basically shared that i have liked someone but i have no idea if it's headed anywhere and that right now it's a one way thing. I got pumped full of questions. I was one of two not in a serious relationship in the room and the other one doesn't even like anyone. So i got attacked with questions upon questions.
Oh man. it was funny! :0)!
I am so looking forward to fall break on Thursday night! It'll be nice to get off campus and go to Kalamazoo with my roommate and just chill, shop and get fitted for my bridesmaid dress!
Tonight i had two meetings. Both proved to be very interesting. The first one all of the SLA (Spiritual Life Advisors) went to the University President's house and chilled, ate pizza and ended with a devotional. Never in the same meeting have i seen bible reading and rock band but i loved it! Then i left there for an "after dark" dessert with our neighbors and our Resident Director. We went around answering questions. Then of course the subject of liking someone came up. I basically shared that i have liked someone but i have no idea if it's headed anywhere and that right now it's a one way thing. I got pumped full of questions. I was one of two not in a serious relationship in the room and the other one doesn't even like anyone. So i got attacked with questions upon questions.
Oh man. it was funny! :0)!
I am so looking forward to fall break on Thursday night! It'll be nice to get off campus and go to Kalamazoo with my roommate and just chill, shop and get fitted for my bridesmaid dress!
So my last post was a bit angry/upset and as an optimist i cannot lay down for my much need nap without the list of things i love that God reminded me at church
I love (and am blessed by):
He is so very good :0)
"Riches i heed not nor men's empty praise" Be Thou My Vision
I love (and am blessed by):
- Coffee, generously donated by the church :)
- Preschool children and their genuine and hilarious comments
- My friends. They are such a blessing to my life.
- Laughter and joy that comes from God
- Hymns, i just love singing hymns.
He is so very good :0)
"Riches i heed not nor men's empty praise" Be Thou My Vision
debating with boys...
Lately I'm not sure why but I have been debating with my guy friends. This usually never happens, it's usually my guy friends who are laid back and everything is, 'cool man' but lately i am talking to them and then they say something and I'm like "you cannot be serious right now" there are times when you can let things slide but there are other times i cannot. Yesterday was a time i could not.
My friend was over and he was trying to set up my close friend with is brother. I asked him why and he said "well he's not a christian and she would be a great example for him, a self esteem boost" WHHAAAATTTTT? So then i bluntly said that Christians aren't to date non Christians. He flipped out when i said this. Then he went on and on saying how i am out of touch with non Christians and that we shouldn't put ourselves on a pedestal. Okay back up one sec, I'm out of touch with non Christians, let's not forget i have a whole family of non Christians at home...let's NOT forget that. I reminded him of this and he says, yea well wouldn't you want them to date someone who could lead them to Christ? Okay so by this time i was fuming. Not too many people can get me this upset but when you first of all claim something that is undeniable biblical inaccurate and then when you bring in my family...wow. I just looked at him and said, "before it gets ugly let's step away from my family and talk about this dating thing" then he goes to say that he sees no problem in dating someone to win them to Christ. I reminded him of that book all Christians read, ya know the one: THE BIBLE!!! Especially where it says you are to be equally yoked. The conversation didn't get any better and we got a point where we talked about the view of Christianity and instead of complaining about it we should, as Christians, live authentically and lovingly and change the view.
Okay so there are few things i get fired up about and even as i write this blog my heart is racing! It's not a struggle in my life. I know my boyfriend and eventually husband will be a man of God. That is no question. However it scares me that people see no problem with "missionary dating"...my little sister used to do it when she went to church. She would start hanging out with a guy and say things like "I cannot date you unless you are a Christian *wink*" Ugh, it bothered me so much. Now, unfortunately she went the opposite way and just started dating non Christians and fell from the church, there's a whole new blog, my families disappointments with the church, another blog!
Anyways, this is the most annoying of debates with my guy friends lately. I'm not usually one to sit and debate with my guy friends but i will if they are dead wrong.
My friend was over and he was trying to set up my close friend with is brother. I asked him why and he said "well he's not a christian and she would be a great example for him, a self esteem boost" WHHAAAATTTTT? So then i bluntly said that Christians aren't to date non Christians. He flipped out when i said this. Then he went on and on saying how i am out of touch with non Christians and that we shouldn't put ourselves on a pedestal. Okay back up one sec, I'm out of touch with non Christians, let's not forget i have a whole family of non Christians at home...let's NOT forget that. I reminded him of this and he says, yea well wouldn't you want them to date someone who could lead them to Christ? Okay so by this time i was fuming. Not too many people can get me this upset but when you first of all claim something that is undeniable biblical inaccurate and then when you bring in my family...wow. I just looked at him and said, "before it gets ugly let's step away from my family and talk about this dating thing" then he goes to say that he sees no problem in dating someone to win them to Christ. I reminded him of that book all Christians read, ya know the one: THE BIBLE!!! Especially where it says you are to be equally yoked. The conversation didn't get any better and we got a point where we talked about the view of Christianity and instead of complaining about it we should, as Christians, live authentically and lovingly and change the view.
Okay so there are few things i get fired up about and even as i write this blog my heart is racing! It's not a struggle in my life. I know my boyfriend and eventually husband will be a man of God. That is no question. However it scares me that people see no problem with "missionary dating"...my little sister used to do it when she went to church. She would start hanging out with a guy and say things like "I cannot date you unless you are a Christian *wink*" Ugh, it bothered me so much. Now, unfortunately she went the opposite way and just started dating non Christians and fell from the church, there's a whole new blog, my families disappointments with the church, another blog!
Anyways, this is the most annoying of debates with my guy friends lately. I'm not usually one to sit and debate with my guy friends but i will if they are dead wrong.
Friday, October 10, 2008
it's over...
So i just got back from Homecome! 32 bobby pins and one exhausted Kris Locker later...i have once again completed a Homecoming! It was fun to go with the girls and afterward we went to Steak N Shake. The restaurant was way packed but it was fun.
I am tired but it was so much fun! I love putting on a pretty dress and dancing!
One of my friends said this and it was the nicest thing i've ever heard:
"You stand there because i need a picture of you. You look amazing and i saw you come in and hoped i knew you. Quick i need a picture." I asked him to get a picture of both of us instead of just me and he said he'd need one of just me and then us together :0)
For sure the nicest thing i've ever heard. My words of affirmation is off the scale :)
Random thought: Patience is important. God is teaching me the beauty in waiting. It's beautiful and important but i hate it.
What i learned today: we were talking about how God is the potter and we are the clay that he is molding. I learned today that a critical part of molding a clay pot is breaking it down and the end result is the image of the potter. This brought me to tears and was a total *a ha* moment. For years i've been saying that my brokeness would be for something: it is! God is molding me into the person he wants me to be.
God is so AMAZING. Sleep is needed!
observing, crazy dream and getting ready for homecoming...
quite the title huh? I'm pretty awful at coming up with titles! As i've commented before on someone's blog :0)!
So first things first. Yesterday i observed in a jr. high Special Edu class. It was pretty crazy. During November i will be working and teaching a lesson in the class. So the teacher was gone and there was a substute and a student teacher. I talked mainly with the student teacher and she is gone after next week. The sub was this really old guy who went by "Mr. W" on three separate occasions mistook me for a student. I was writing reflection notes on the classroom, etc. and the first time i was starring out the window at the h.s. band, former band geek here, and he came up patted me on the shoulder and said, "I know the band's distracting but try to finish your work." I smiled and politely told him i was from a local University and was here to observe! He says, "Oh i heard you were coming and i didn't think you looked like the other students!" You mean i dont look like a 13 year-old. I only have ten or so years on them :0) What a nut!
Okay crazy dream: i often have weird dreams but this one went far beyond weird. So you get to hear about it (or you guys depending on who got the new blog memo!):
In the dream i was shopping with a girlfriend (no clue who she is but we were pretty comfortable with each other) and i had a long shopping list. Just as i was to grab the things on my list she would take the very last item of what i needed. JERK! So then we get the checkout her with a cart full and me with nothing. I look up and the cashier is my boss and the bagger is one of my professors. My boss looks at me and is like, "where is all your stuff?" and i was like "I wasn't able to get it" and then she was like "I gave you one task to complete. Why couldn't you complete it?" Then i looked over and my professor says "If you can't do this in college how do you expect to do it when you are a professional teacher?" So i said i'd get them this time. I headed back to the groceries and there was this door and i walked in and the next thing i know i'm walking down the aisle. I walk down and right up to the pastor and he is shaking his head left to right (or right to left...didnt pay that much attention to detail) and he says "Kris, what are you doing? I gave you one task: the dress. Why aren't you in your dress? If you can't seem to do this at your wedding? How are you going to manage a healthy marriage?" So i turn around looking at all my friends and family and i sigh and say "I didn't get the hamburger" and i run out the door and back into the grocery aisle. I am to the hamburger and i pick it up and an alarm sounds- which is my alarm clock.
wow, right?!? I have my own interpretation but you are welcome to go ahead and throw out your idea(s)
So i'm currently getting ready for homecoming. I took a quick break to blog and lunch! :0)! I love getting ready and there is nothing like putting on a pretty dress and getting all gussied up for a night!!!! The best thing is that i'm going on a stress-and-drama-free-all-girls-thing!!!!!!
Pics of getting my hair done: it's always an adventure.
So first things first. Yesterday i observed in a jr. high Special Edu class. It was pretty crazy. During November i will be working and teaching a lesson in the class. So the teacher was gone and there was a substute and a student teacher. I talked mainly with the student teacher and she is gone after next week. The sub was this really old guy who went by "Mr. W" on three separate occasions mistook me for a student. I was writing reflection notes on the classroom, etc. and the first time i was starring out the window at the h.s. band, former band geek here, and he came up patted me on the shoulder and said, "I know the band's distracting but try to finish your work." I smiled and politely told him i was from a local University and was here to observe! He says, "Oh i heard you were coming and i didn't think you looked like the other students!" You mean i dont look like a 13 year-old. I only have ten or so years on them :0) What a nut!
Okay crazy dream: i often have weird dreams but this one went far beyond weird. So you get to hear about it (or you guys depending on who got the new blog memo!):
In the dream i was shopping with a girlfriend (no clue who she is but we were pretty comfortable with each other) and i had a long shopping list. Just as i was to grab the things on my list she would take the very last item of what i needed. JERK! So then we get the checkout her with a cart full and me with nothing. I look up and the cashier is my boss and the bagger is one of my professors. My boss looks at me and is like, "where is all your stuff?" and i was like "I wasn't able to get it" and then she was like "I gave you one task to complete. Why couldn't you complete it?" Then i looked over and my professor says "If you can't do this in college how do you expect to do it when you are a professional teacher?" So i said i'd get them this time. I headed back to the groceries and there was this door and i walked in and the next thing i know i'm walking down the aisle. I walk down and right up to the pastor and he is shaking his head left to right (or right to left...didnt pay that much attention to detail) and he says "Kris, what are you doing? I gave you one task: the dress. Why aren't you in your dress? If you can't seem to do this at your wedding? How are you going to manage a healthy marriage?" So i turn around looking at all my friends and family and i sigh and say "I didn't get the hamburger" and i run out the door and back into the grocery aisle. I am to the hamburger and i pick it up and an alarm sounds- which is my alarm clock.
wow, right?!? I have my own interpretation but you are welcome to go ahead and throw out your idea(s)
So i'm currently getting ready for homecoming. I took a quick break to blog and lunch! :0)! I love getting ready and there is nothing like putting on a pretty dress and getting all gussied up for a night!!!! The best thing is that i'm going on a stress-and-drama-free-all-girls-thing!!!!!!
Pics of getting my hair done: it's always an adventure.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
debate, dreams and slang
So apparently my last blog won't publish or let me write on it due to me violating my terms of use. Since like everybody else i never actually read that before i agreed to it. I have no idea what i did. So after toying with it i decided to make a new blog.
so here it is! I put this on the other blog but wasn't sure if you (Nate) got to read it :0) Not to exclude the rest of my followers but he is the only i know reads it.
I've never been one for politics but i got back from my night class (horrible class but that's another blog) and was waiting for Mel to come over to work on something so i turned on the debate. I am so very sick of the way they don't answer questions but verbally beat the crap out of each other. Really, seriously? I don't care what the other one is saying. The entire time i was like "ohhh jerk move" and "i thought this was a presidential debate, it's looking more like an elementary debate". It was pretty stinkin' ridiculous.
So dreams. Nate, since i know you are the only one who reads this consistently, i do believe that dreams are a way of getting out my worst fears and God talks to me in them a lot. I'm not sure what God was saying in this one...i'll leave that up in the air: I dreamt that McCain and Palin got office and a month after they won they announced that they had restructured the government and we were going back to a monarchy, the way it should be. He stated that since his v.p. was female it worked to have her be queen so that she could take over his reign if/when he couldn't fulfill his duties. yet. i woke up like "whhhhhhhhhhhhhat?"
Maybe i'm sick of election talk. Maybe i dont like McCain. I haven't decided on a candidate either. Both talk non sense and i'd like to simply hear what they believe not bashing the other one. Oh how i cannot wait until this is over.
Side note having nothing to do with election: last night my proff. shared an article with 50 slang words and there is nothing funnier than a white middle aged woman saying and i quote "I'm not sure how to say this but does anyone know what fo sizzle means" I almost fell out of my chair. It was hilarious!
Yep dreams, slang and the debate. Is that random enough for you?
so here it is! I put this on the other blog but wasn't sure if you (Nate) got to read it :0) Not to exclude the rest of my followers but he is the only i know reads it.
I've never been one for politics but i got back from my night class (horrible class but that's another blog) and was waiting for Mel to come over to work on something so i turned on the debate. I am so very sick of the way they don't answer questions but verbally beat the crap out of each other. Really, seriously? I don't care what the other one is saying. The entire time i was like "ohhh jerk move" and "i thought this was a presidential debate, it's looking more like an elementary debate". It was pretty stinkin' ridiculous.
So dreams. Nate, since i know you are the only one who reads this consistently, i do believe that dreams are a way of getting out my worst fears and God talks to me in them a lot. I'm not sure what God was saying in this one...i'll leave that up in the air: I dreamt that McCain and Palin got office and a month after they won they announced that they had restructured the government and we were going back to a monarchy, the way it should be. He stated that since his v.p. was female it worked to have her be queen so that she could take over his reign if/when he couldn't fulfill his duties. yet. i woke up like "whhhhhhhhhhhhhat?"
Maybe i'm sick of election talk. Maybe i dont like McCain. I haven't decided on a candidate either. Both talk non sense and i'd like to simply hear what they believe not bashing the other one. Oh how i cannot wait until this is over.
Side note having nothing to do with election: last night my proff. shared an article with 50 slang words and there is nothing funnier than a white middle aged woman saying and i quote "I'm not sure how to say this but does anyone know what fo sizzle means" I almost fell out of my chair. It was hilarious!
Yep dreams, slang and the debate. Is that random enough for you?
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