
Thursday, January 22, 2009

I write a lot...happy 50th post!

I have had tons of time lately to sit and think. This can be good and bad- good because there are things I need to work on and bad because I don't want to dwell on it too much. God has been working on me and i have come to various conclusions.

1. Life is a mystery and i would have it no other way. I like that my life is in God's hands and that i have no idea what each day holds. Yes i know the classes and meetings i have but i don't know all that happenings each day which work together to fulfill what God wants for my life.

2. God has built me strong but he is still in construction. It seems that once i've learned to be content with life happenings something happens to remind me that i am still a work in progress. God will be working on me all my life but the important thing is that he will never give up and that each time i learn something about Him and myself and become stronger and closer to Him. All in all these are worth it in the end. God is amazing and i am humbled everyday that he would take an interest in my life.

3. I am starting my last semester of college and right now the only emotion tied to that is excitement. I know that once it gets closer I will start to feel sad and know how much I'll miss this place but for now I'm going to work each day to finish my college career as strong as possible. I have worked long and hard for this and am so excited to see where it takes me.

4. I am truly loving life. There are lows and that's a reality. I am surrounded by people who truly care about me and am growing in my relationship with Jesus. I am getting really pumped for my missions trip to Mexico and as the time gets closer my heart is started to break for the people in Mexico i will be working with and meeting while there working.

Seriously, last week was very tough for me however i am just loving life. I am content with how life is going and am excited for the things ahead for me. I am learning to let go of things and to step away from over analyzing and see things at face value.

these are my thoughts.

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