
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Faith in people restored :)

Okay so it's time for some honesty...but really when am i not honest, right? Lately i have really struggled with our society. You pick up a magazine or newspaper (yes people actually read these OUTSIDE of the internet) and it's just filth: murder, betrayal, cheating spouses, children makes me want to cry. Most people may not have this reaction but I pray to never be sensitized to such sad and hurting people. Truly. So lately I have really been praying that God would help me to see the good not only in the blessings he gives to me but in the people around me.

God answered my prayers this weekend. I was unable to get my youth to go to an annual conferance so I actually asked the band that plays to come to my church for a concert and to play at our services. Thankfully, they had an opening. This weekend I met four people from ages 20 - 29 who not only love Jesus but gave up a year to travel around this region of our country to reach out and tell others about Him. This was what I had been praying about. There are great people out there. People who have hearts of gold and who live for Jesus and not for money, fame or anything else that will never last.

You will never see these stories on the eleven o'clock news but this just in "Kris Locker's faith in people has been restored" and if you ask this author (the one who writes this blog): THAT IS NEWS WORTHY!

God be praised for he is good...even when the world isn't and we feel alone. Last night God spoke to me in a way that God usually does which is through a youth event :)! We were playing this game with yard which demonstrated how Christians work together (sooooo good by the way) and we were given yarn to wear around our wrist to remind us that we are not alone (and yes i am totally fighting the urge to sing Micheal Jackson's song right now) and that is something God has been trying to tell me for a few months now.

Did i mention how much i love Jesus?
cause it's A LOT

Thanks for reading,
Kris :)

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