Hello blogging world!
I discovered recently that my last blog was written in May. There are so many things that have happened since then. I read it to see where I last left off and as I read the words, “It pains me to not being going to Honduras”…as I read this I found myself chuckling because God has done so much in my life since I wrote that blog! Okay, enough introductions now it’s time to update you.
‡Ch…ch…changes! ‡
So I really fought with the idea of moving back home. When you’ve “graduated” from college and then move back home it’s a hard concept. I got to the point where I was content with this and let go of my pride and told God to take over and I was done making plans. Shortly after, I received a phone call from Lauren. We have always talked about moving to another country and teaching together. She said she was looking for a roommate after the summer and thought it’d be a good idea to live together here and seeing if we truly want to move outside of the country together. I told her that I’d pray about it and that more than likely it would be after six months of living at home. The more I prayed the better the idea seemed to me. I felt like God was asking to really trust him and move there in August. My only hesitation was my mom being really excited about moving back in with her. She and I are really tight and I finally would be home for the first time since high school. So one night I called her to talk to her about moving to Grand Rapids with Lauren. I asked her if there were any jobs at home and she said not really and it would be difficult to find work that I didn’t have to drive to. Then she said it’d be a good idea to live somewhere that has public transport. I then told her about the moving idea and she was totally supportive. Not that as an adult I needed her permission but it’s nice to be supported by my family whom I love a lot. I am pretty dang excited about what the future holds.
£ Farewell Center Lake £
Before going into how I’m saying farewell to my beloved camp, I’ll tell you about my summer. This summer was beyond amazing and I was blessed. I was pretty concerned about leading the SMT group but had so much support and love. Nate- you were such a blessing to the group-. Nate doesn’t like me bragging about him but I’ll do it anyway…I’m a rebel :o). Nate was never asked to help with the group but he totally stepped up and invested time in the group and he helped out in every way he could. No one ever said he had to or should but he did it cause that is the person he is. I was incredibly blessed by his service to the group. I love serving along side of him. A lot of people that I lead with are afraid to step up and lead when I’m there but we are such close friends that we know when one needs to lead and when to let the other lead. We also took the group on an amazing backpacking trip. Such a grand time. Time for the farewell part: As another chapter of my life is starting another one must end. I just completed my seventh summer at camp. I have very much loved my experiences but feel as though it is time to move on and do something different. Not better, not worse…different. My goal was to leave a completely different person than I came in and God has transformed me from that girl who nervously entered camp seven years ago. I am no longer that shy, reserved girl who was petrified to lead on her own. Now, I’m one of the staff that everyone looks at to see what to do or to see if I will lead. I loved how God has used my unique gifts for his glory and his kingdom. He has brought so many amazing people into my life. People that outside of these crazy camp walls I would have never met and probably wouldn’t have noticed me in a crowd otherwise but are people that I am a better person for simply knowing. Two of which I will be living with in the fall…wooooooooot!!!!!! Although it is a bit sad to close this chapter in my life, I am so beyond pumped to see what God has for me next. I am willing to do whatever and go wherever. I am willing and able and excited to do what he calls me to do. He is so much better at controlling my life than I am. I try and try and fail constantly. I am so excited to serve Him in Grand Rapids…and to live in a bigger community JUST SAYIN’. I’m a bit of a socialite.
¥ School again…are you NUTS? ¥
Yes and absolutely nuts for Jesus. My life doesn’t ever make sense which is fine cause Jesus knows that I get bored I make terrible life decisions. It’s a true story. So I am currently pursuing another passion of mine while my degree at SAU is being with held *rolls eyes and gives an angry fist*. I am looking at getting an online Business Administration degree. This is for many reasons. The first is that my dream has always been to open a homeless shelter. I have always wanted to do this and call it “Entertaining Angels” (which was a name I came up with my close friend, N’STO). Well I want to jump start that idea with business classes and with a Business Administration degree can get a nice job in an office or something to sustain me to start and open my homeless shelter. This is something I’ve always wanted to do but put on the back burner to teach and since God slammed shut that door I felt that it was time to pursue this dream.
µ And now for something completely random µ
Random thought: I have been extremely happy with my last name and have decided that only a man with an epic last name will get me to rid myself of such a great last name.
How’s that for an update?
Kris Locker.
1 comment:
:) yay for you :)
GR sounds like it will be good for you. Totally socialite friendly, and.. the LAKE. If you need a camp nearby to visit when the going gets tough, I had a friend who worked at Camp Roger. Heard of it? I'm not sure where in the state your dear 7-yr camp home is, but there's a thought for you.
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