
Saturday, October 9, 2010

some relief...

So after some praying and careful consideration of my life I quit my part-time job. I was looking at my life realistically. For the last month I have been so drained physically and emotionally. I became more emotional due to exhaustion. Luckily the second job was not needed financially but was only a source of added money. I had to ask myself why I was taking this job and why I was sacrificing sleep and weekends for this job. I really couldn't come up with a good answer so i quit. I told my boss that I was burnt out and just couldn't work there anymore. She took it really well and said she totally understood.

I looked up some verses about money to help with my decision:
*Luke 16:13 "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."

*Mat 6:19-21 "Do not save riches for yourselves here on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and robbers break in and steal. Instead, save riches for yourselves in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and robbers cannot break in and steal. For your heart will always be where your riches are."

God provided me a full time job which supplies everything I "need". I believe I made the right choice and now can be in a shut-in during the week and actually do things on the weekends. I was going to wait until i saved up money to get a car. I felt that way until i saw the verse about saving up money. I don't really need the job and have been so physically exhausted lately that I was dragging at both jobs. I decided to quit the side job and felt a weight lifted afterward.

So now i have my weekends back and now get a chance to sleep on the weekends. I have been so exhausted that I just wasn't myself and whenever i had time to do something i would sleep and sleep some more. I became this empty shell and wasn't liking what i saw. No amount of money is worth that.

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