
Thursday, May 28, 2009


For the last few days i've had a toothache. It started being annoying and i'd take some ibuprofen and ambosol and it relieved it for a while. Then it began to throb in pain and i added icing my jaw to the mix. Then last night the left side of my face began to swell and was throbbing in pain. Oh so much fun. Soon i am heading into Cadillac to see a dentist about said tooth and the infections spreading throughout the left side of my face. I can say that this is probably the worst pain I've felt in a very long time. It may even be worse then when i broke my arm. maybe. I will be excited to have the tooth gone and more excited about pain medication. for real.

In other news i'm at camp and am loving it. I feel like i could have gotten much more accomplished but this tooth issue got in the way. Oh well, what can you do? It's been great to hang out with the group though.


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