
Friday, October 23, 2009

high on JESUS and coffee!

So a real quick update before i have to get to work/school. Don't know which it's school but i teach however i don't get paid. Anyways last night was AMAZING. I was cleaning cabins and was praying and God told me to call home. I kinda blew it off at first but then started to miss home but isn't like me at all...not to say i don't love my family but i am an independent girl who has never been homesick not even while in other countries. So, i called and talked to my mom who wasn't feeling good and got her spirits up and the she said my sister needed to talk. This was strange to even want her to talk because she hates, loathes, talking on the phone. Well she said she needed "Godly" advice and i was the first person she thought of. *touched* She has a christian friend who is alone in her faith and is feel discouraged and wants to know what to say and if i'd talk to her. I told her what i would do is write her a letter so my sister jotted down my email address and i told her to email me the girl's address and to give her my phone number and she could call me any time she needed to talk. Then i proceeded to tell my little sister, who two months ago would roll her eyes when i talked about God, about what God has done in my life in the last few years.

AMAZING!!! She told me that she has been going to church and praying these days. She wants to help her friend but she's in a place right now where she's still searching God out and doesn't completely understand her faith and told her friend she doesn't feel like she can help but came to me. My little sister is following JESUS again. You have no idea how cool this is.

Home is my mission field and i left and one of then went back to Jesus and is asking my advice to help a friend in need. I slept maybe two hours last night between excitement and three cups of coffee at Sarah's and talked to God pretty much all night. It was amazing.

Did i mention this whole thing is amazing?
Welp, gotta go!


Saturday, October 17, 2009

dream, dream, dream...

I have been dreaming and talking about this for well about four years now. I want to so badly teaching english in another country. It was almost my dream to live in a foregin country. At first i had the hurdle of finishing school (not like a school where to learn to be a lady i meant completing college) and that hurdle will be accomplished in February. I told myself "we'll see where i never know" well i'm single, have no home and am young. If not now, when? You know? I don't want to get to a place where i cannot get up and go. I don't want to wait until i'm rooted too deep in life that i can't get up and leave for a year or more. Now is the perfect time. Okay not right now and maybe not even this next fall but soon. I have been talking about it, praying about it and now i am dreaming about it. I believe God has told me that it is time to put dreams into action.

Lauren and I have been talking about going to China to teach since she got back from her experience this summer. I am 100% serious about going. My plan is to sub/ get a year job and save up as much money are possible to support my moving to China (if that's where God wants me). Of course, this process won't begin until i finish everything in February. I mean i do have to priortize finishing up my semester of student teaching. God speaks to me loudest in dreams and i truly believe he is telling me that there is a passion to travel and teach in me for a reason. There is also a reason i have no ties to this country. Never dated and no prospects makes me the perfect person to move. I told my brother this today and it made him sad. I know he's happy for me but i think he fears (what may come true) that i may not come back if i go. It's not going to happen for at least a year and half but i am so excited about it. For real.

This is me just getting my heart down on my blog but this is where i'm at. I love teaching and i do love my friends and family here. But being single (and so single i couldn't imagine starting any relationship due to my heart being saved for the long distance future if ever) and the fact that i'm young and have an intense passion to travel. All signs point to packing up and getting out of here.

My thoughts are everywhere and my heart leaps as i write about me leaving this country behind. My heart is another if i could find that country but all in time. all in time.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

update on my life

I feel like each day is a flash of light these days. In a month from now i will half way through my student teaching semester and this is just crazy. I decided to sit down and update you on my life thus far since it's been so long that i've updated the two of you who read this.

Teaching is amazing and oh so exhausting. I have never felt so exhausted before. I have been teaching full time for two weeks now and have three weeks after to look forward to it. It's not that bad i actually really love it and it's what i want to do with my life so it's nice to be FINALLY doing it.

My car is special. Jeff looked at it and said the engine is pretty much shot. It's a local car now and will be driven until it officially dies. So pretty much every time it starts i count it a miracle to be able to use her for another day. I have absolutely no idea what i'm going to do when she dies but haven't really put too much thought into it. Intially i felt like someone punched me when i heard but it's in God's hands and i know somehow someway he will provide and supply all of my needs. If all else fails Tustin isn't that far...a little cold but not far :)

So not too much else is changed but a few things have. I am still the same person but i think God is improving some things. God has been teaching me contentment and i can say with absolutely certainty and honesty that i am happy with life right now. This is amazing cause it's what i wanted and prayed for and now i have it. Not to say that all of my dreams are coming true...not quite the picket fence i imagined as a child having when i was in my mid 20's but i live among people who love and care for me and i wake up every morning and love what i'm doing. pretty close to my dreams.

There are a few other very minor changes in my life. One odd things is that i've discovered a random love of diet coke, which i'm sure is a sign of aging :) Another sign of aging is that by 9 i am nodding off and the latest i stay up on a usual night is about 9:30. Most Thursdays i stay up until 11 or midnight (WOAH i know) It's my one night of adult conversation and company with Sarah, Kevin, Dan and Justin. It's a great night and i look forward to it.

Well before i end this i have to share a conversation with a student today:

Student: Mrs. Locker how many kids do you have?
Me: I don't have any kids.
Student: Oh does your husband not want kids?
Me: I don't have a husband, and should probably get married before i have kids
Student: Oh my gosh i didn't know you weren't married.
Me: That's okay. No, i'm not married.
Student: *looks worried* Well do you have a boyfriend?
Me: No i don't.
Student: *still worried* Well you better get one. How else will you get married and have kids?
Me: *chuckles* (How could you not?) I am focusing on teaching and being with you guys
Student: Oh, well i guess i'm okay with that.

They are hilarious. In her mind any adult should be married and have kids. I'm glad she's okay with me focusing on her and the class.

Such good times.