
Saturday, May 9, 2009


Today marks one week until i am an offical college graduate! It is hard to describe how that feels. There are a variey of feelings with it. Relief, excitement, apprehension, anxiousness, joy, fear...just to name a few. As much as i am the first to run away from comfort: this is my comfort. Running minstries, taking classes and working part time. Seeing all of my friends in one place and knowing that each night i had a place to run and talk to Bekah about anything going on in my life. College has brought me tears, laughter, confusion, and some of the greatest relationship i'll ever know. I have been so blessed but i know the blessings are far from over.

I'm sure many graduates fight between loving the time we have here but wanting to move on. Honestly, i cannot afford to cling on to this comfort zone any more :0). I am so excited for what the future has for me. Living at camp, student teaching and eventually finding a job. But before all of that i have another week with friends here and then a week with my family and let's not forget....CAMP!!!!!!!!

I am excited yet neverous. One week, it'll fly i just know it.
Good luck on whatever you have to do! :0)

The Graduate (in 7 days)

1 comment:

CoCo said...

Kris, I'm so happy for you but I'll be sad to see you go!